Sunday, November 25, 2007

can't wait....

there are lots and lots of stuff awaiting for me to's ANIME!!!!!!!!the current anime tat i am watching now is naruto , tsubasa chronicles ,inuyasha , bleach (still waiting for crunchyroll to upload..)and prince of tennis..the show that my friend is going to lend me is the full-metal alchemist...i heard that its nice..then went to borrow the vcd...hahas.
i like mokona...from the tsubasa...very cute...the best is the shaoran and sakura...hehe...mad bout it....
the prince of tennis is oso very cooool....especially when they are challenging against their opponents....they got some coool and some weird skills...i wonder where they learn it from.......
so troublesome...have to watch so many anime at a time....but long as i like to watch and enjoy, it should be fine....